
December 23, 2020 · 0 min · Andrew Siah


Non-Fiction Read My notes are automatically generated from Play Books. Highlights - Red: To apply in life. Yellow: Resonating notes. Green: Vocabulary to revise on. Deep Work - Cal Newport A manifesto that argues how long duration of focused work will be a rare and valuable commodity. Especially in an upcoming world where it’s easier for everyone to be distracted (Social Media, Netflix, Youtube, etc). Atomic Habits - James Clear Argues that greatness comes from consistent grinding....

2 min · Andrew Siah


I’m a productivity and habit geek, I can’t make do without a list of habits I’m pursuing now can I! Instilling Currently Wake up by 6am Deliberately practice Guitar for 5 min Cold Showers in the morning 5 min morning journals No phone before lunch Exercise daily Code daily Read daily (Anything) Write daily (Anything) Someday Maybe Stay off coffee for a month Greet someone new each day

1 min · Andrew Siah

Impossible List

Life Own a motorcycle Get a pilot license Fitness/Health Goals Pull-Ups (Controlled) 5 10 Push-Ups (Controlled) 20 30 Join Spartan Challenge Run a Marathon Half Full Academic Goals Independently finish Griffith’s Electrodynamics Quantum Mechanics Publish an academic paper Get 75% scholarship for Columbia (Currently funded USD 61,123 / 176,000) Graduate Summa Cum Laude Internship at DeepMind / OpenAI Professional Goals Get 1,000 blog visits Make my own website Wordpress templated site (andrewsiah....

1 min · Andrew Siah


Work Jobless 🤷‍♂️ Learning Full Stack Web-Development Machine Learning Embedded Web App Bootstrap software startup Leisure Guitar Card-Throwing IMDB Top 100 Movie List Writing about movies and books Chess 1000 Elo Self-Experimenting Maker or Manager schedule My physical limits (in focus and exercise)

1 min · Andrew Siah

Thank You

I exist on the shoulders of giants. Shoulders of kind, loving, selfless saints who spent time with me, invested in me, guided me. To you all, I am eternally grateful. Thank you for making a difference in this little boy’s life. Thank you for making this world, a better place to live in. The list and detail below is by no means complete – not even close. It is my small attempt in acknowledging the great people in my life....

2 min · Andrew Siah